Friday, January 2, 2009

Recent Readings

So I am in the process of reading this book called "The Shack" and can I just say it is GREAT! I don't usually say anything about most books. Oh sure I have my favorite author and such, but there was something so much deeper about this book. The writer is in the Pacific NW so he actualy knows the area and references he gives, more than just out of pure fiction and a general knowledge of the area. I live in the NW as well so it is interesting to read the details he gives and know I have been there.

I am not giving away anything, that is I know someone could read the cover and find out, but I wish I had not. It did give away a bit of the mistery of the book in the first 30 or so pages. They refer to the "Great Sadness" which if you read the back of the book you pretty much can sum up what that is rather easily, however, if they had left that out it would have made it much more suspenseful to find out what "The Great Sadness" is about.

So if someone reading my rantings here decides to try it out, PLEASE...don't read the back cover of the book until AFTER you get past page 100 lets say. It is a rather short book too....only about 300 pages. But from what I have read so far, it is CRAZY good and truly makes you think about yoru life, the lives you touch everday, and how you are as a human. It does not make you feel bad about yourself, moreover it makes you think about how you interact with others you do or do not care for. It is not a self help book or anything of that sort, it is a fictional character and situation; however, it truly grips you with the story and TRUST will get a tear forming on your eye here and there.

Read it....if nothing else you will enjoy the story.